Elder scrolls call to arms quickie

Gathered leaked warcry faction images to peruse in one place and my brief thoughts

Iron x  Own
Beast x Own
Cypher x
Other one.

Deep   Tempting
Night   Tempting

Lead with Strength all out attack the same? untamed has less units with the ability..

Lots of attack dice, low strength little damage, thousand cuts type army. some nice 2 inch rangers..

2 units shut down movement on a double, harryign raven,  triple is move and bonus attack if jumping down.

close range, more study needed 

Nice universal double higher strength for poison, 1 shut down, Bonus snake attack like untamed, 

variable range universal shut down,. 1st debuff , area damage looks like good damage output, close range.. need to find other cards 

Move buff,  unneeded toughness buff? Dartting Griffs cool,  Leathal Quad! looks like a great team, 

frightful touch! wow -1 str debuff nice,

high thoughness, few range 2, good speed,

Bit slow for me, lots to take in, low points mix of low and ok toughness, and low and ok strength, lucky crits looks good, nice cursed weapon, ha ha siphon drain and heal,

Less keen now reading the cards, turn 3 ability?!  on a skim low dice and str...nothing stands out...as cool.or usable.. maybe I need to review the costs  and the speed. and re think.. , quite nice area blast...

tempting very tempting, fun healthy and numerous  looks like id rather ride a squig then a fish ! ok fish are cheaper.

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