Elder scrolls call to arms quickie

Crom's Anvil 15mm fantasy minis arrived

New 15mm fantasy figures arrive here a few before paint pictures I'm sure contrasts will work wonders on them.. gonna need a stack of washers or pennies to base them.. :-)

I purposely got just enough  to mimic the call to arms release .. couple of archers ..swordsman a boss some animals ..and a few hero figures .  

Plan to use them in 2hour wargames swordplay.. rangers of shadowdeep.. maybe micro pizza box warcry! 

PDF and Miniatures here: https://cromsanvil.co.uk/ Drivethrurpg Link here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/index.php?affiliate_id=72081

Ending up getting Burning sands rules too would be rude not to! 1st Batrep on my youtube DiceTales