Elder scrolls call to arms quickie

My 15mm Scifi terrain so far ...and Past terrain 28mm days

Ok need more walls, boxes, and larger buildings with interiors I think.. and some paint job to tie it all together .. but not a bad grab what you've got put together.. my other option is straight on to FFG Starwars Imperial Assault tiles 

Been reading and looking at Redplayer1 blog for some awesome cyberpunk stuff and another new game Chrome Hammer 

Kill Team bits, Trash and hose parts and home made foam core buildings smothered in PVA plaster and sand 

My 28mm regular stuff!

I stared war-gaming with infinity, i could say warhammer back as a teen but it never took off and was rarely played

as an adult Infinity was played at a Bolton club and i went into a terrain frenzy! 4x4 chocca!

Simple starts A Mix of Boxes and trash and some plastcraft buildings 

a Mat and more official buildings like the train.. some home made bill boards and terrain plants make it pop

Starcom toys! .. what toys are 15mm I wonder?

TicTac boxes with Fimo bodies in hair gell!

Next I got into Starwars Legion 

Loo Rolls and Kitchen rolls with paper and glue gun vines..

More toys found tried to integrate tron board but didnt look great

then Kings of War Vanguard had me shrinking to 3x3

Simple hill sculpting and area terrain sections and home made card towers card sqrs stuck on boxes  

I've also got nice kill team and warcry boards but its all to much space!